Make sure you are smiling, look welcoming and friendly! My clients often comment that they like that they can see who I am (they know Im a real person) and some also say they chose me because they could tell that my business is a family affair! 2.

Maintain a consistent image Make the look and feel of your website true religion outlet consistent with the look of your business cards, stationary and your advertising. This can be done by using the same colors, fonts, and your businesss logo. This consistency builds the image of your business and makes you more recognizable to customers. 3. Give visitors information Let your customers know what it will be like to do business with you. People love information and it is easy to provide this via a website. Give them details of your policies, the benefits of your service, pricing structures and incentive programs. Supply downloadable copies of any application forms or other paperwork that you need completed. 4. Showcase customer testimonials Ask your past and present customers to provide testimonials about your product or service. I recommend that you set up a regimented process to collect these such as a post job survey, so that you have a consistent supply of fresh testimonials. To encourage more effective testimonials ask customers to describe how your service or product solved a problem that they had and what life was like before they found you and how it changed for the better after using your business. Showcase these testimonials on a page of your website. To make testimonials more credible show the customers full name and their website or email address after their quote. 5. Help make the lives of your customers easier Provide links to other complementary but non-competitive local businesses. For example customers often ask me to recommend local groomers, dog trainers, and veterinarians.
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